Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Does a broom really stand on end during the Equinox?

I have to admit, I totally fell for this!  But thanks to this website, http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2012/03/07/how-to-stand-a-broom-on-end-on-the-equinox.htm, that was totally debunked!  Of course, had I just thought logically about it for a few minutes, I probably would have realized that it didn't really make any sense.  Some other misconceptions about science that I have, thanks to Dr. Kat's quiz..

Darwin did NOT suggest that man evolved from apes, but that man and apes had a common ancestor.

SOS does NOT mean Save Our Ship (although it could, right?), it doesn't stand for anything.  It was used because it wasn't easily mistakes in Morse code, with the 3 dashes, 3 dots, 3 dashes.

Toilets don't flow in different directions in the southern hemisphere.

Penicillin merely stops bacteria from multiplying, it does not kill it.

Moths fly by navigation of the stars!  What? yep...read this http://www.funtrivia.com/askft/Question69625.html

But I did get 20 out of 25 correct so I guess that's pretty good. ;)

So...just goes to show, that everyone has misconceptions about science and even though you may not remember where you heard them, they do stick with you.  Kids coming into our classes will have misconceptions as well and it's difficult to get them to let go of those without some serious debunking!

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